Monday, November 21, 2011

Can cysts be cancerous?

i have a cyst about the size of an eyeball. it is inches away from my spine. somedays it is very sensative and feels inflamed, and on other days the pain is very minimal. when i feel for it sometimes i can move it around and sometimes i cant. do i need to remove it? and can it be cancerous? i had my doc feel it but he said nothing...what good is he?

Can cysts be cancerous?
If it is truly a cyst then it is NOT cancerous nor will it become cancerous, it is just a fluid filled sac. However, cysts can be very painful and they can also become infected and turn into serious health problems if left untreated. If yours is not infected then it may just get reabsorbed on its own. If your concerned that it is infected, the following are warning signs of infection:

1. increased heart rate %26gt;100beats/min

2. fever %26gt;101

3. fast heavy breathing

4. excessive sweating, or chills

5. nausea or vomiting

6. redness, warmth, tenderness, and swelling around the site of the cyst.

If this is truly on your spine I would speak with a neurologist or neurosurgeon about it. That's a physician that deals specifically with brain/nerve and spinal cord issues.

Without a physical exam and MRI or CT it is difficult to tell exactly what it is you are dealing with.

If it is bothering you but not infected, it can easily be drained (stick a small needle directly into it and suck out the fluid); however, again if it is close to your spine this is something a surgeon/neurosurgeon would have to do, not your family doctor.

If it is infected you will need treatment with antibiotics and if you have some of the above warning signs I would go immediately to the doctor.

Good Luck
Reply:cysts are Fluid-filled lump under the skin often produced by over-secreting gland

to find out about cysts go here:

if you don't like what your doctor is (or isn't) doing, get a

second opinion

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