Monday, November 21, 2011


I have what I think is a cyst on the inside of my upper thigh and close to my genitals. It is small like a boil or a pimple. What is it? It recurs.

It could be anything from folliculitis, cellulitis, or hidradenitis suppurativa but why guess? Go see a physician to get an answer AND an antiboitic to fight off any secondary infection.
Reply:furunculosis... comes with sweaty hairy areas... like a small carbuncle... try a drying agent like alcohol... keep the area dry and use a powder, it could have an infected hair in it also....

do not manipulate it by squeezing. try hot compressed on it to try and bring it to a head and pop..

If it gets too big it will have to be lanced by the doctor....

You might need an antibiotic if they are recurrent.....

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