Monday, November 21, 2011

What are liver cysts and how do they affect you ?

I recently underwent gland removal looking for cancer in my lymphatic system while doing Mir scans and ct scans they found a number of cyst in my liver the surgeon told me not to worry they would keep a check on them once a year by ct scan. What are LIVER CYSTS?

What are liver cysts and how do they affect you ?
liver cysts ,a cyst is a fluid filled space within a tissue lining ,liver cysts are derived into ,,,1)congenital 2)acquired ,,and the acquired could be due to many causes like infections ,e.histolytica,hydatid cysts ,trauma,of course the classification is wide and many varieties these are just some of them ,the importance of the cysts is their pressure effect on liver tissue,they can induce also blockage of bile secretions ,atrophy ,options are wait and see as long everything is fine like your case ,or surgical removal ,or drainage ..and therapy for related infections if any
Reply:I often get uterus cysts, and they form because of the pill Im on. Its a build up of fluids which normally get absorbed back into the body. They can be painful sometimes if I poke my belly in the right place.

I assume liver cysts are the same. Not too serious, and they do come and go.

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