Here's how it went down. Being from Cape Girardeau, Missouri, where he flunked out of Southeast Missouri State. That made him eligible for the Vietnam draft. His father was a lawyer and his grandfather was a judge (even has a library named after him in Cape Girardeau). By some miracle, Rush III was declared 4F (medically unfit for duty) due to a Pilonidal cyst in an unspecified location. Now, those who are able to put two and two together need no further explanation as to how someone would get out of the draft for a cyst. His father and grandfather were rich and well respected members of the community. Rush never served his country, when he could have. Yet he takes every opportunity to badmouth people like John Kerry, a true war hero. Rush never even completed college after flunking out of SEMO. He has no qualifications to talk about politics whatsoever. He's simply a windbag with an opinion and the gift of gab. He has sheepish followers who hang on his every (albeit uneducated) word.
Is it true that Rush Limbaugh got out of being drafted during Vietnam because he had a cyst?
Carbuncles on Rushes a_s, that's pretty nasty, now I gotta go shower.
Reply:He is a cyst
Reply:Yes, it is true he had an anal cyst. Now I know why he is like he is.
Reply:Hey I had a cyst on my lower back and I couldn't even walk. I eventually had to have surgery to have it removed. I don't think I could have fought a war at the time.
Reply:Yup! And Cheney got 5 deferments because, "he had better things to do." They certainly are brave when it come to other people's lives.
Reply:Actually, the cyst got out of Vietnam because it had a Rush Limbaugh attached to it.
Reply:Ted Nugent didn't bathe and stopped all forms of hygene in order to avoid the draft.
Reply:All the war mongers got out of the service for some reason or another. They want YOU AND YOURS to fight, not us!!!
Reply:It was an anal cyst
or he is
While George w Bush was AWOL during time of WAR !!!
Reply:Do a google search on "chickenhawks" and you will see how herowick the republican loudmouths were when it their chance to do something other than run and cover their *!
Reply:Rush was 4-F with a pilonidal cyst.
There were 80,000 cases of "Jeep Drivers Disease" diagnosed during WW2.
I had one %26amp; had 2 surgeries.
Reply:Don't know - but here is your hero;
Here is Clinton's notorious letter in which he tells why he dodged the draft, and skipped the country, and wrote of his "loathing" for the military.
"First, I want to thank you, not just for saving me from the draft, but for being so kind and decent to me last summer, when I was as low as I have ever been. One thing which made the bond we struck in good faith somewhat palatable to me was my high regard for you personally." - Bill Clinton
Reply:I doubt it. cite your source
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