First off - has it been diagnosed as a cyst? You must be certain before you proceed with any remedial action! If it is a tumor, either benign or malignant then other, more aggressive directions of treatment should be engaged.
Thomas has a very good point about anti-perspirants. Most specifically, you should adamantly avoid aluminum chloride, which is a primary ingredient of most deodorants off the shelf. There are some excellent enzymatic salt sticks that do a fine job of eliminating under-arm odor, which will not subject the under-arm lymphatic and breast regions to heavy metal toxicity. Aluminum is a metal, and chlorine is toxic (by O.S.H.A.s standards), and although it's not conclusive yet, anti-perspirants are believed by many to contribute to breast cancer.
Lastly and most importantly - if it is a cyst, then you must remember that cysts develop as a result of an irritant. Much in the same way that pearls develop as a result of irritants in the shell. Unfortunately, we are not capable of turning an internal irritant into a pearl.
So, I will share with you my personal experience regarding a rather pesky ovarian cyst. My acupuncturist (who is also a 40 year practicing herbalist, trained in a many locations around the world, including China) successfully diverted the misdirected energy that the cyst was using to grow. And, after a few accu. treatments, my next ultrasound showed no sign of the cyst. Remember, cysts must draw from the normal energy relegated to the area that the cyst had developed within.
What I strongly suggest is that you find a very good TRADITIONAL acupuncturist and discuss your situation with him or her.
I would also suggest that you engage a systemic de-tox plan. Using dietary changes and herbal de-tox assistance. Please don't forget to attend to your liver and kidneys, as they are your body's filtration system.
Good luck. Any anomoly regarding the breasts is terribly disconcerting. My thoughts and prayers are with you.
What herbal medication is best for someone who has been diagnosed of breast cyst?
As long as you're going to a health food store to get the herb, you may as well ask the herbal advisor there. They usually seem to know quite a bit.
Reply:stop using aluminum containing deodorant and masssage the breats toward the armpit and take essiac tea.
Reply:Green Tea be cause of the anticoagulants.
Reply:Do cysts need to be aspirated (drained)?
When a breast lump is found your doctor may elect to put a needle into it. This is a simple and effective technique which serves a dual purpose. It confirms the nature of the lump as “cystic” or “solid” and extracts fluid from a cyst which frequently makes the lump disappear. If no fluid is obtained the lump is presumed not to be a cyst and whatever material is aspirated may be sent to the laboratory for analysis. When a cyst is discovered by ultrasound, aspiration is not generally recommended unless the cyst has some unusual features on the ultrasound image, or the cyst is associated with discomfort (physical or emotional) which can be relieved by aspiration. If the cyst appears to contain material other than fluid on the ultrasound image an aspiration procedure may be recommended. This is best performed using ultrasound guidance to ensure complete drainage of the cyst.
Reply:They say that cyst usually arn`t cancer and most times thats true.If you have been diagnosed with breast cyst have it asperated(with needle) then byosied.Don`t take a chance even if your doc.says just keep an eye on it.I had acyst come up 16 years after breast canser and surgury.I was told it wasn`t anything but that I should have it checked.I did it came back a tipical.I had it removed and it was cancer.It was in the tube that was left when they took out limp notes.In the only one that had cancer cell.SO GO TO DOC get it checked.
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