The guy has had this condition sence birth.
Why is our government so stupid?? I know a guy with a brain cyst and seizures who still cant get medicaid!!?
b/c so many people abuse the policy - it makes it hard when someone really does have a problem, but i wouldn't blame the GOV this time, but all those other people who don't have ANY medical problems.
Reply:argh!! Which country!!???? Why can't people say where they are!!???
Reply:have him go to my dr.......dr britz at harborview mdedical center, seattle wa....i have same kinda stuff and he put me on ssi before i knew what was the gov't pays all my medical bills....
by the way, i worked all my life and am a legal citizen.....
Reply:well we all of course realize that our government might not necessarily be making the right choices
i do personally think that medical problems should be our first problem and that medicare is not given enough money to do what it really does need to do
Reply:This bugs me. People who need the assistance the most can't get help, and those who milk or defraud the system get everything.
Has he gone to a social worker? Does he need long-term care? (i.e. nursing home, assisted living, or something like that?) Those can also be influences.
Reply:Because they are probably white. You're SOL if you're white and have medical problems with no insurance.
Reply:The white man still is in control and runs things like keeping the poor, poor. I feel sad for your friend and pray he gets help but with the powers that be still in office it's only going to get worse.
Reply:it is the easiest thing to do-finding faults of your government and country- what have you done for your country to improve it's governance. Even if you reach the status of a minister, you will realise how difficult it is to run a system and take decisions. Do something constructive rather than finding faults.
Reply:I can only assume you mean the United States of America's government.? Maybe he gets other wellfare benifits or other medical? Hell I just stubbed my toe the other day and now get SSI $1200 a month and $500 in food stamps, and I am faking it to beat all, I didnt stub my toe I just scratched the nail....I love this country...... actually the real reason is becasue we save that stuff for the illigals...sorry
Reply:Medicaid is under the state. It sucks, I know. But if he gets any other financial assistance or has a job they will say "He makes too much". Medicaid makes me so mad. The people who need it can't get it, and a lot of people who have it might be in a financial state to recieve it but only because they won't get off their lazy asses and get a job. Then, the white trash people who won't get a job because then they couldn't get welfare, they bring in their Medicaid cards every week to the local ER because they coughed once. An hour ago. And since the ER visit is free, why not go there if they have nothing else to do? My ex's mom had breast cancer and she was denied Medicaid because she recieved SSI for her teenage daughter who was mentally retarded. She died. Life sucks sometimes.
Reply:The guy has to have a medical history. He has to have medical papers from a doctor who diagnosed his condition even when he was born or a baby.the seriousness of the two problems means at some point he had to be hospitalized, any agency that is going to pay doctor bills and take care of that person for the rest of their life will need proof that this person need help. there are too many people scamming the government and here in Michigan you have to have proof that you need them to help you. with medicaid you have to show check stubs, fill out this book that seems like it asks the same questions just re-word them, and wait 30 days to be approved and he just isn't doing something right. there are social workers in the hospital that will help him to get the bill paid if he went through emergency. Of course they want somebody to pay for him he could even go to the free clinic or hospital. I just can't believe that since birth he had these serious problems and had no medical attention.his mother should have been able to provide medical history to present to medicaid but I live in Michigan i don't know where you live. tell him to try SSI or Disability but you have to have a medical history and papers from a hospital saying you have ben diagnosed with the condition and they can't by law deny you
Reply:What your friend needs is Medicare not Medicaid. Medicaid is a state run federally funded program for persons who fall below the poverty line but need medical prescriptions yet have no insurance. This program is being phased out as we speak because of changes in the federal Medicare program that now include perscription drugs. This may be the reason he is being denied Medicaid, because the funding is dissappearing. Medicare is a federal health insurance program that all workers pay into through their taxes. It is for persons with disabeling conditions that prevent them from gainful employment. If he has employment then he probably does not qualify for medicare. If he does not have employment because of his medical condition, then he is entitled to Social Security Disability Insurance if he has worked at least 20 quarters, or Social Security Assistance if he has not worked 20 quarters. Keep in mind that both processes require quite a bit of time to qualify for. Social Security and Medicare ROUTINELY deny 80% of all initial claims. It is their common practice. The reason they will tell you that they do this is because there is a high level of fraudulent claims. They don't even really look at the claims, they just routinely deny them by volume. That means for every 100 claims submitted 80 of them go in the denied pile. You freind must appeal this denial. At that point he has a 50% chance of denial, and if he is denied again, then he must again appeal the denial. On the third try he will have about an 80% chance of acceptance, so tell him to keep applying. If he wants to pay a lawyer, there are plenty out there that will take his money, but they will not be real motivated to make it happen very fast because they are paid on contingency, which means the longer it takes for him to get approved, the bigger their cut of his settlement. His settlement will be the money he should be getting today. When he finally gets it, it is paid retroactively accumulated, so he will eventually get a very large check to catch him up from the date he first applied to the date he is finally approved. The problem with using the lawyer is they will take 20-30% of this settlement check when it comes, but your freind will need this money for medical expenses for the 24 month waiting period between being approved for Social Security Disability and finally getting medicare. But once he is qualified for SSDI or SSA he is automatically qualified for Medicare, it just imposes that 24 month waiting period before it kicks in, so he will need that settlement for the two years he will have no medical coverage.
Reply:Long answer short: you get what you vote for. Clinton wanted national health care plans--which would have helped your friend--but Americans elected a Congress, the majority of which hated national health care and loved the idea of weakening the government by cutting taxes. Who did you vote for then?
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