Tuesday, August 17, 2010

About ovarian cysts........I'm freaking out..... pls help.?

I have 2 ovarian cysts size 5.7cm %26amp; 5.2 cm in the same left ovary. Doctor told that it is corpus luteum cyst %26amp; it may go once 4months. I'm 8 weeks preg now. Everyone in my family tells me to abort, since it may be some other cyst %26amp; it will cause pain %26amp; it may twist %26amp; it will affect the baby %26amp; so on. if it doesn't go at 4months I've to carry the baby with cysts %26amp; it will affect baby in several ways. I'm now scared much %26amp; not happy %26amp; afraid to go for D%26amp;C. 3 times went to hospital for D%26amp;C %26amp; came home confused. I don't know which is right. I'm in big trouble. what to do????????? pls help.....

About ovarian cysts........I'm freaking out..... pls help.?
I had lots of cysts and even one tumor while I was pregnant with my oldest. The pregnancy went perfectly and delivery was a breeze. I never had a single problem. Cysts come and go, almost every woman will have them at some point, and most will never know it. They don't cause any harm to the baby, nor do they interfere with pregnancy other than the possible hormonal problems. My tumor grew in my uterus alongside baby, and could have caused problems, but didn't. I never even had to have it removed, it eventually went away on its' own.
Reply:First of all, did your Doctor suggest to end the pregnancy? If not then forget what the "other" people are telling you. They are not Dr's. LOTS of women have cysts of all kinds and deliver healthy babies. I'm confused about your statement.."three times went to hospital for D%26amp;C %26amp; came home confused"...what exactly does that mean?
Reply:Your baby is growing in your uterus not in your ovaries. Have the doctors told you they believe the pregnancy is in trouble or that there is a chance for a deformed baby?

I too suffer from ovarian cysts but both of my babies are very healthy, happy, and intelligent.
Reply:Don't abort a viable pregnancy. It's a CYST not a TUMOR. Cysts are very common and almost never treated during pregnancy.

I wouldn't worry at all!
Reply:Most small ovarian cysts like yours can be removed laproscopically at around 14 to 16 weeks of pregnancy. If they continue to grow it might require an open incision. Since you are still in your first trimester, I dont think you should abort. Twisting would probably cause you a lot of pain but it is rare that it will hurt the baby. I say wait it out. This child is a precious gift and a blessing. I hope everything works out for you.
Reply:i (personally) would never consider abortion. i had cysts too and they busted on their own. i don't think you should listen to just anyone about these kinds of things. have a heart to heart with your gynecologist and make it plain that aborting your baby is not an option here, and more than likely he/she will then tell you the truth. if all else fails and you are still confused, get a second opinion. (oh, and do some "web" research on your own. there are all kinds of medical info available on the web.)
Reply:My sister had a cysts on her ovary as well during her last pregnancy. Her doctors said they were going to watch her more closely and she would have more Dr. appointments than normally. Make sure you feel comfortable with your doctor. If you don't then switch doctors. You are your babies protector nobody else. My sister went through the pregnancy with no complications and after the baby was born by c-section they removed the cysts while they were already in surgery. It should be fine. Good luck!
Reply:hi i am 6wks pregnet and have had very bad cramps i went to the E.R. yesterday and they did a internal ultra sound and found a cyst on my left ovary the doctor told me it was fine,and wouldnt affect the baby in any way im still very scared after it taking almost 1 year to concieve but i know the doctor has said this befor and will say it again so im alittle at ease ! if you have been to your womens health doctor ask there opinion, they are the ones to help you make the decision ! good luck !

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