I have had ALL the symtoms for some time now. But some of them for years!! i just had an ultrasound on monday. i was told each ovary has a cyst. One is 2.0 cm, one is 1.8 cm. 2 months ago I had EXTREME pain. So my Dr says, it may have burst back then. The thing is, today, right now, it hurts, Always on my left side (which has the smaller cyst). It's a sharp throbbing sometimes piercing pain. Theres always a dull ache there, but today its hurting all over again. My lower back is killing me. Do I call my Dr for pain meds? (nothing over the counter works). Doc said will repaet ultrasound in 2 months to see if theyre getting smaller or bigger. Am I going to hurt until then? Do I continue my normal activities? Why do I have these? Im 33, tubes tied, had 4 children. How long can you have cysts? Cause some of those symptoms Ive had for about 3 years. The peeing all night, lower back pain, and sharp pain in abdomin is new symptoms. What do I do now? Suffer till I get them rechecked?
Help, I have 2 ovarian cysts. It hurts. What do I do?
I also have 2 cyst's, one on my left ovary is 4 1/2 centimeters and one in my uterus which is 2 centimeters. The Dr. said they were nothing to worry about although I have the same pain as you do. Nothing relieves the pain. I have to "relieve" my self often as it causes even more pain if I do not. I just recently moved and my husbands job is just getting started and there isn't enough money to have them removed. I was placed on primary care here in Johnson City, Tn., but they've not been much help. So for now I'm in limbo. The problem with letting them go is that they can grow. 10 yrs ago I had one grow on my left ovary, It totally engulfed it and began "torching" (twisting). It killed my ovary and part of the tube as well. VERY pain full. It was removed after the birth of my daughter. It was 8 1/2 centimeters. The reason I'm telling you this is to let you know they do grow and waiting can sometimes be a mistake. Sometimes they burst and go away and sometimes they don't. Be careful, if you can get them removed.
Although, exercise is good for you, I have even had to reduce that as the pain gets worse when I do excesses. As you already know they can be there for years. As far as your routine If you can go on with them, don't succumb to the pain and let it run your life. I will pray for you.
Reply:Call your doctor.
Reply:Call your doctor immediatly!
Reply:I feel you girl. I have the same problem and yes it is on my left side. My Dr. also told me that they sometimes burst but if the pain gets to be unbearable they can be removed. I tend to have more pain when it gets close to that time of the month. For now I just deal with the pain in hopes that it will burst but if it continues to cause me pain I will have it removed. You should also consider having them removed to relieve yourself of the discomfort. At times it almost feels as if the cyst is leaking beacause it has a bit of a burning sensation and as I said I have extreme sensitivity on my left side close to period time.
I will pray for you cause I know exactly what you are going through.
Reply:Call you doctor and get pain meds.
Reply:Go to the doctor or ER.
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