Friday, August 20, 2010

Ovarian cysts?

I was told that an ovarian cyst can cause pregnancy tests to show up as positive. I've already asked this question once but only got 2 answers and I would really like some feedback before my OB/GYN appointment. Please, I am really worried. I just want to know if the cysts can cause the positives. So far I've gotten 2 no's but would like some more opinions. I'm praying my friend is just an idiot and doesn't know what he's talking about.

Ovarian cysts?
The only thing that will cause a positive test would be the hhg hormone is present in your body, and the nly way for that to be present is to be pregnant.
Reply:your friend is an idiot and doesn't know what he's talking about. a cyst will not cause you to get a positive pregnancy test. being pregnant will, and there are certain medications (not common ones) that contain the HCG hormone that can also muster up a false positive, but an ovarian cyst will not.
Reply:ovarian cysts can not cause a positive. the only thing thta can make you gt a positive is if there is hcg present in te urine
Reply:doctors perform a pregnancy test to determine a corpus luteum cyst, as a positive test can indicate the presence of the cyst. i'm really not sure how this works though.
Reply:I just had a miscarriage in November and went to the Dr to get tests run as to why I miscarried. Turns out I have PCOS (polysistic ovarian syndrome) and a high level of this certain horomone (I forgot which one it is) that causes me to miscarry when I become pregnant and could also cause me to have HGH in my system causing a pregnancy test to be positive even if I'm not REALLY pregnant. Ask your Dr about it at your appt. Good luck.

lady slipper

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