In the past I have had a cyst and we monitored it with oultrasounds and it shrunk down and was fine. Now my boyfriend and I are ttc and I keep feeling pains like I had when I had my cyst. Will having a cyst prevent me from getting pregnant ?Anyone with expierience with a cyst and ttc? Can you still concieve and if you can, can it harm me or the baby?
I have a Doc's appt. on the 20th but I don't want to wait that long to find out . Thanks !!
Ttc and cysts ??
No, typically having a (small) cyst will not prevent you from getting pregnant.
However, cyst may cause other symptoms (irregular periods, bleeding, etc.) which can sometimes affect your cycles and thereby ovulation in some cycles. The cyst in themselves are usually not a problem (if they are very small), but they can cause harmonal balances. See link below on 6 different types of cyst (the doctor may be able to diagnose which type is it).
Good luck with the appt.
Reply:glad to hear it shrunk down, but it's good that you will check with the doctor to make sure everything is ok..
many women conceive despite cysts as long as they're under good care, in the meantime you can ask a doctor online for free to see what they said and some peace of mind, try
good luck!
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