Friday, August 20, 2010

Hormone problems, cysts on my ovaries, 60day + period.Help?

I am 38, tubes tied 17 yrs ago, Very long periods, 50 and 60 Days, cysts on ovaries, Cysts on uterus, Very painful, DR perscribed a pill to make me shed out but it stopped the period almost (spotting now and then) completely. Now I'm itching horribly, and nausiated to use tampons or have sex. One dr suggested Ablation, or hysterectomy( only if cyst's in uterus are actually visible on the inside). The itching and the nausea are the biggest problem at this moment. so tired of being sick

Hormone problems, cysts on my ovaries, 60day + period.Help?
I went through that a couple years ago, and I feel your pain! No one understands how much that really does hurt!! Mine was like I had sat on a sword, sharp side up!!

I had ovarian cysts, and other cysts on misc. female organs, and I also had endo (endometriosis--which in basic terms is scar tissue on your femaile organ/s) caused by it growing in the wrong place. First the docs put me through a year of different birth control pills and the patch, then I had a laperoscomy done (which proved their was the endo), and a few months after that I ended up having a partial hysterectomy. The doc took my cervix and uterus, leaving my tubes and ovaries, because they didn't have much endo on them at the time). I still get cysts on my ovaries though, and it's definately painful--just not as bad as before my surgery. Below are two links, the first is about ovarian cysts, and the second is about endo. Both of good links that can get you more information (instead of putting it all down here and you have to skim through to find what you want, I thought the websites can lead you in the direction you want to go, not where I think you want to

Good luck! Hope you feel better soon!

(hot water bottles on my abdomen or a fresh towel out of the dryer always helped my pain)
Reply:Do you plan on having children?

If not, you no longer need ovaries, uterus or a cervix.

Having all 3 removed you will never have to worry about getting ovarian, utrine or cervical cancers.

I see no reason to be sick like this if you don't plan on having children.
Reply:My Dear, I am so sorry you are going through this awful illness. I am surprised you haven't had a hysterectomy by now. Have you been tested for ovarian and cervical cancers? They can be successfully be treated if caught early.

You didn't mention any medications. For the nausea an over the counter pill for motion sickness may help. For the itching, can you douche with a mild warm salt water solution? Don't do anything without discussing it with your doctor (altho I depend on my pharmacist for meds.) I hope you find some agreeable answers soon. With Love....
Reply:you need a second opinion. having periods for that long is not normal. i went through something similar. for me it was heavy periods and cramping and really big slots but my period was lasting almost a month. took the provera to shed out and it ended up stopping my periods completely for 3 months and then started up again worst than ever. i have even had a d%26amp;c done which did't work at all. finally after a year of this had a hysterecotomy and so far never felt better. as far as the itching and nausea it could be a underlying problem such as diabetes so maybe you should get your blood suger tested by your doctor. Good Lcuk

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