Friday, August 20, 2010

Ovarian Cysts?

Since I had my son 4 months ago.. each month I get this really sharp stabbing pain in my lower left abdominin. THey did a ct scan and saw a little cyst! Then 2 weeks later I was in such bad pain i couldnt walk i ended up in emerge and needed a shot for the pain. THey did an ultrasound and the cyst was gone. ITs happened now 2 months in a row! Im just waiting for it to happen again this month. What do you do? Is it going to happen each month? Cause I am in such bad pain that I cant stand or function.. and i have 2 kids under the age of 2!

Ovarian Cysts?
oh I have the same exact thing! it hurts so bad! the problem is they just come and go and pop when they want to . what you should do is go see your gyno and be put on some birth control or something like that. I still have not gotten on the pill and I've had cysts for a few years now. I get them so bad that I cry and freak out and cant walk or anything either. very painful. good luck to you! you will notice them happening around your period and stuff. I don't get it every single month. I get it every so often. what you can do as soon as you start feeling cramps take some ib profen and take a hot hot bath. by the time the pills kick in you will be out of the pain. good luck
Reply:You should contact your dr. and see what he or she recommends. You probably need some type of hormone treatment. I too have ovarian cysts and I was on DepoProvera for years. It was a miracle drug for me! The cysts are eggs that do not leave the ovaries and travel the way they should through the fallopian tubes. It may or may not happen again this month. Call the doc on Monday and good luck!

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