This past weekend I had a cyst rupture and was in ALOT of pain. I then get panick attacks and feel so depressed. I have to take Vicodin to control the pain once thats controlled my panic attacks go away. This time (meaning I've had 2 previous cyst rupture)
it came with vomit and diarrea is that normal? What else can i do for the pain? My Doctor tells me its not healthy to take
Vicodin but I have some left over from a previous visit and take them. However what am I supposed to do with the pain and feeling like I want to die? Help me please. Guide me!!!
God Bless you all in advance.
Ovarian cysts?
Hi Rosa, I am so sorry that you are afflicted with this condition- and it is a medical condition. I have to suggest to you that you do see a good gynecologist, and why? because I have a 26 year old daughter who had been plagued with ovarian cysts since she was 12-- she was put on birth control pills to decrease the amount of cysts that she would get monthly and to be able to function and tolerate the pain---but there were still times we were in the ER (at least 10 that I can remember) where the pain was still intolerable even on the birth control. She now has been diagnosed with PCOS which is the abbreviation for polycsystic ovarian syndrome-- something they were not as quickly ready to label someone with 14 years ago. So, she is on a very strong birth control pill now- and not having any cysts at all. You need to see a good gynecologist so they can run a battery of blood tests to see where your HORMONE levels are--I am taking a guess that they are really off and here is the biggest surprise, hormonal imbalances CAN CAUSE DEPRESSION which can trigger your panic attacks--- so please see a good doctor- if you live in a small town- drive to the nearest big medical center- to be seen by a good gynecologist--I don't know your age, I suspect around 20, and if this is not corrected now, you can have trouble in future years in having children.
Good luck to you..........please see a good gynecologist....and they will also give you a better pain medication that you can take if you still get some cysts.........
Reply:Vicodin is not healthy to take regularly,and you should never take left over medicines from previous prescriptions.They may be expired or an incorrect dosage for what you think you need. However,have you conisdered having your ovaries removed since you seem to have a history of ovarian cycts? That might be the best remedy.
Reply:ask the doctor for another kind of pain med. and use a heating pad
Reply:Taking leftover meds is never a good idea. Pain can cause vomiting and diarrhea, so it may or may not be related to the cyst. Presuming you went to the doctor about the cyst rupture, I can't believe the Dr. didn't give you something for the pain. I'd go back and demand something.
Panic attacks and depression are something entirely different. They can be caused by stressful events, but they should NOT be treated with vicodin! When you demand something for the pain, you should also ask about the panic attacks and depression - there are medicines available that can be taken on an as-needed basis. Keep pressing until you get straight answers, and get a second (or third!) opinion if the Dr. won't listen to you.
Reply:I had to be hospitalized last year for a huge cyst that was bleeding. I was very sad too because the pain was excruciating. The Vicodin will make you sick..they made me sick too.Keep taking the pain meds and forget what the Dr says. Try to take your mind off of the pain somehow, maybe play a game ..light exercise may even help. The pain will go away.
Reply:This pain you feel is during ovulation and any extra STRESS endured could make it a lot worse. Change your diet, your sleeping schedule and STOP SMOKING!
Birth control pills may also be helpful to regulate the menstrual cycle, prevent the formation of follicles that can turn into cysts, and possibly reduce the size of an existing cyst.
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