Monday, August 23, 2010

Cysts that smell?

I have a cyst on the inside of my thigh that smells like fish. Other times it smells like honey. I've had these things in the same place for many years. Over 25 years ago, I actually had surgery to remove them from the root or whatever it's called. What I'm wondering, is why they never really go away and why they smell like they do.

Cysts that smell?
Are you sure it's the cysts that smell? You better go to the gyno. I can't see a cyst smelling like fish or anything for that matter.
Reply:"Sebatious" cysts can exist for many years and smell terrible at times ... ask a person that is an assistant to a doctor and helps to remove them !!! See your doctor as these can be removed under local anesthetic and are not painful.

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