Friday, August 20, 2010

Can cysts grow back?

My boyfriend went into surgery last year in 2006 because of a growing cyst in his right lung. He experiences agonizing pains from the scar to his back of his chest tightening, his heart racing, and his breath quickening to match. Before the operation, the same pain was occuring in the exact same area and we both fear now that the cyst is growing back. What should he do? Can lung cysts grow back this fast and why?

Can cysts grow back?
did you ask the surgeon if it's benign or malignant?

-if benign- it does not return anymore

-if malignant- it really comes back because it is Cancerous
Reply:Yes there is always a chance that cysts can grow back.
Reply:It depends on the type of cyst, but yeah, they can.


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