Monday, August 23, 2010

Does this sound like ruptured ovarian cysts?

I'm 35 years old. For about four years, at least three months' out of the year, on my right low side (where my right ovary is), I have severe pain the week before my period to the point of getting a fever. This usually subsides somewhat the next day, but I still cannot walk without holding my stomach and I cannot bend over. Ibuprofen helps quell the pain somewhat. However, for the other eight or nine months' during the year, my periods are painless. Could it be that an ovarian cysts grows over the months and I don't have any symptoms, but then when the cyst ruptures, that's when I feel it?

Does this sound like ruptured ovarian cysts?
This sounds like what my friend courtney had. And she did have ruptured ovarian cysts. But she also have ovarian cysts. So in my opinion would be go get an ultra-sound. And yea maybe a hysterectimey (?spelling?) would be a good idea. I hope i helped! Good Luck!
Reply:You do not need a hysterectomy!! I started getting ovarian cysts about a year or two ago - they are very painful (I was sent to the hospital for a CT scan because my doctor thought I had appendicitis) however they are very common and normally the doctor will tell you that it will go away on its own (although the doctor will probably want you to come in for ultrasounds every now and again to check the size of the cyst). Unless the cyst is cancerous (rare) or very large (also rare), you shouldn't need surgery.

Also, yes it does sound like you might have a cyst. Personally, when mine ruptured it felt like someone was sticking a screaming hot knife into my lower abdomen...that's the only way I can explain it! They say that cysts normally rupture when you start your period...when I have a cyst, it usually does hurt around AF time.


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